R0BERT LONG, MA, a licensed mental health counselor comes to SLC with 12 years experience helping the homeless population.He will meet one on one with St. Laurence Chapel clients helping them to work through their issues, needs and situations.The goal…
Author: Anna Marie King
“Painting For a Purpose” a Big Success
It was another fun evening at the second in a series “Painting for a Purpose” FUNdraiser Thursday, February 11. While enjoying wine, soft drinks, and snacks, guests found their hidden creativity as they painted, “Bubble Gum Beach.” A big thanks…

Your donations are very much needed, ESPECIALLY MEN’S CLOTHING. See if you have something from the list below that you can bring to St. Laurence Chapel. It’s open for donations Monday to Friday between 7:30 and 3:30. Please bring the…

Generous Contribution from St. Nicholas Episcopal Church
On Sunday, December 27th, following service of dinner to the homeless guests, Father Mark Andrew Jones and parishioner Margaret Kershner from St. Nicholas Episcopal Church presented a check for $5,500 to Executive Director Lorry Herdeen (center) of the St. Laurence…